Friday, December 4, 2009

Pink is NOT my color!

Pink is not my color.

Mr. Kane here,

It's that time of year again. I can feel the chill in my bones. Snowflakes flurrying around my nose as I tip toe through the crunchy white stuff. I hurry to do my business so I can race back to the door to get back inside to the warm spot. My favorite winter spot is hanging out by the sliding patio doors. I have the best view to spot all of the rabbits, skunks, and birds. The real reason it is my most favorite spot is that there is a nice and toasty heater duct right in front of the door. I lay there and warm my front paws. The sun always comes shining through until around lunch time. I'm one spoiled pup.

I do have to make the occasional appearance and pose for the camera.
Ugh..this time it is in front of the pink trees!!! For Pete's sake..I am a pit bull after all.

Happy Howlidays,

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Guarding the tombstones

Mr. Kane here:

I am on guard duty and I am trying to keep the gravediggers from digging up my hidden bones. Soon as they are painted up they will look even scarier. Halloween is near. You know how I can tell? They try dressing me up in silly costumes...aaaaargggh.

Well blow me down ~ they have succeeded again,



This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Camouflaged Canine

Mr. Kane here,

I know it's been awhile since I have last blogged about my doggie days. It has been such a busy summer for me. My allergies are making me craaaazy. Itchity Itch, Scratchety Scratch. Most of my Saturday and Sunday mornings include a brief ride in the back of the green truck. I love the feel of the breeze on my whiskers. The view is best on the driver's side. "Corn to the left of me and beans to the right, here I am..stuck in Indiana again." I couldn't resist that tune. Autumn is coming I feel it in the air on those early morning rides. Pretty soon the rides willl come to an end until the warmth of spring arrives.
Here is a recent photo of me trying to camouflage myself from the world. Since no one can see me I can rest quietly and safely.

I promise I will not stay away so long next time.

Barkety Bark Bark,